May 07, 2006

Vonage adds Some Nations - Why Not More?

Andy points out that Vonage has added unlimited calling to France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the UK. This is good; but what is noteworthy is that they could have added a few more nations. If you look at the SkypeOut rates (for that matter, many of the other “Out” rates), all these countries have the same rates as calling within US. So from tariff perspective there is no difference whether you are calling within US or to these countries. I would imagine that adding these countries to unlimited calling will not dramatically increase the average minutes of use per month. So the real question is when will other countries be added to this list.

Alternatively, this is another time to ask whether flat rate is the preferred billing scheme from the consumers point of view.

Posted by aswath at May 7, 2006 12:29 PM
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