April 18, 2005

mC2 Marketing!

Some ten years back, I joined this humongous, multi-billion dollar product development effort. One particular marketing person had a simple way to justify the project. He would start with the worldwide telecom business market which is like hundred or so billion dollar. Surely we will be able to corner this miniscule fraction of a percent of this huge market. How can one disagree with this modest claim? But the resulting revenue opportunity is enough to justify the development cost. Why did I think of this today?

James Enck wanted to guess Skype’s worth based on its revenue. It turns out Rodrigo A. Sepulveda Schulz has a rough guide on estimating Skype’s revenue potential, which comes to $130 million.

As Einstein told us long time back since C is sufficiently large, m could be atomically small.

Posted by aswath at April 18, 2005 08:50 PM
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