

Many educators advice teachers and parents to analyze and look for patterns when they assist children as they learn Mathematical concepts. Even though the mistakes may vary from one child to another, there is a fixed pattern in the errors made by a child. These researchers have identified a common set of errors made by children.

A common suggested strategy to teach children to overcome these common errors is to teach a programmatic way to solve arithmetic problems is to teach computational algorithm that reinforces place value system. For example, drawing lines to separate units, tens, hundreds etc.

Research studies also suggest that it is important for children to do a small set of problems everyday, very much like aerobic exercise. To this end, this app, ArithHelper guides a child to complete an assigned problem using commonly used algorithms for the four basic operations. The app will verify each step and will progress to the next step only if the previous step is correct as shown in the accompanying picture.

A version of this app just for Addition is available for iPad.